Friday, September 30, 2011

Erma or me?

Mommy has a seat for me in the bathroom to have somewhere to put me when she has to go potty or take a shower, it appears I have gotten a little hairy...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day with Grandma

I have so much fun with Grandma during the day!!  She is taking care of me while mommy and daddy work (until my heart appointment October 20th).  Yea!!  We do a lot of rocking in the recliner and I love it! :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rolled Over

Today I rolled over in my crib!!! You can see I wake up grumpy too, huh? :)

Grandma layed me on the floor map during my play times and I didn't do it again, but hopefully soon! :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Creek Falls - day three

Here I am playing with my sister and Annabeth:

 Uncle Bart and Zane relaxing.

 Two cute cousins!

 Feeding the ducks - Well, they would have fed the ducks, had they come around, so we gave up and fed the fish! :)

 Bubble time!
 Fishing time for Kayla on the boat!

 Uncle Bart, Fletcher and Lincoln lounging around.

 Here we all are at the falls. I slept through it...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Creek Falls - day two

So, I didn't get to play much on this trip to Fall Creek - since I can't really move most of the pictures are of my sister and cousins....but I am in a few! Here's Kayla and Annabeth swinging:

 Zane and Annabeth relaxing while Kayla and I nap.

 Kayla's favorite bridge.

 Zane and Annabeth throwing rocks.

 Kayla and daddy playing around!

 Running back to the car.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall Creek Falls - arrival

This year we arrived early to Fall Creek and got a little play time in before bedtime.  (You can thank me for that, mommy has determined I travel better in the car before late afternoon, so she decided we'd leave at my sister's nap time right after I nursed. It worked out perfect!)  Daddy and Grandpa got a little fishing in.

 And there was a quick rain shower that left a beautiful rainbow!

Monday, September 19, 2011


I am officially laughing!!  It's a belly roll laugh too, not just a little giggle.  Sooooo cute!! :)  All you have to do is kiss my neck or buzz my feet.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kayla time!

I sure do love my big sister.  She makes me laugh and smile!  I think she loves me a little too. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 month doctor's appointment

Today was my 2 month doctor's appointment.  I weighed in at 13 pounds (75th%) and am 23" long (50th%).  Everything looked great at the appointment.  The doctor could still hear my heart murmur - mommy had high hopes it had already fixed itself.... We'll have to wait until October 20th to see how it's really doing.  I had to get 3 shots and one oral vaccination. :(

Monday, September 5, 2011

Just a rockin'

So daddy was rocking me and my sister had to join us. She drug my rocking chair into my room and sat next to us. Oh, I can never have daddy to myself, can I?!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thomas the Train!!

Today, mommy, daddy, Kayla, Laine, Sean, Jake and I all went to Thomas the Train! I got to ride a real big train!! I loved it!! And I think everyone else did too!

Here we are waiting to leave:

 And away we go!

 The ride is over....