Today mommy saw Shelli again. Everything looks great!! My heart rate was at 140. I only kicked the doppler one time, usually I'm kicking and moving everywhere. I must have been asleep... :) Mommy's belly measured at 29". She did her birth plan at this visit too, which is basically drugs and vaginal birth with daddy catching me. Mommy also gain a little too much weight - hey, now she's starting to get back on track! But, don't worry, if she gets back on the pace Shelli wants, she'll still be in the "normal" range. Can that happen? Mommy does so well at gaining way too much weight...
The only issue mommy is having is mommy has started having scaitic nerve pain on her left side. She seems to have trouble doing most anything without any pain. Shelli recommended seeing a chiropractor, some stretches, heat and tylenol - and no picking up my sister. Kayla will never understand that.... Mommy has tried all but the chiropractor and nothing is helping, so she scheduled an appointment for Monday with a chiropractor her friend goes to. Please let this work! She cannot function like this - especially for three more months!
Stay tuned: Mommy's 32 week ultrasound for the placent previa issue is May 12th. She will also have another doctor's appointment around that date. Pray for good results at the US, that the placenta has moved away from the cervix!!